Alexia Georghiou

Alexia Georghiou
Principal Consultant
The Resilient Pathway

Alexia Georghiou


We share 8 skills every leader should build & practice daily. There are objectives that leaders will be given to increase effectiveness. We review what these look like with real life examples of impactful leadership.

Alexia Georghiou is a coach & consultant with The Resilient Pathway. Her background includes mental health therapy & social work for 20+ years. She has recently received her Certification in Leadership & Management from Wharton Online. In the Fall of 2020 she is teaching 2 classes as part of a Leadership Certificate for The University of TN Conferences & Non-Credit Programs. She is the founder of The Knoxville Happiness Coalition & is working with The World Happiness Fest to promote hope, safety, & connection. Her mission is to innovate with individuals, community leaders, businesses, corporations, and government entities to create change that impacts our overall well-being as a community.

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