Daryna Kruty

Daryna Kruty
UX designer
One Shoe

Daryna Kruty

“Should you listen to your customers or not? On iPhones and faster horses”

In product world there are two competing camps: either ‘you cannot develop anything without input from the end users’, or ‘I know best what the user needs’ (a.k.a. Henry Ford ‘my customers would ask for faster horses’). Both can’t be right at the same time, where’s the truth? In this talk I’d like to explain both points of view, the reasoning, nuances, and how to go about research that does provide meaningful results beyond ‘faster horses’

Daryna is a UX designer at the agency One Shoe. Dedicated to understanding what drives people and how their motivations turn to behaviour, she translates these insights into successful digital products. In her work she validates product and business assumptions and tackles both strategic and tactical aspects of user experience. She loves a tough challenge to marry business goals with needs and wishes of the end users and what technology has to offer. Some of her clients included Rabobank, KLM, Thuisarts.nl and Studiekeuze123.


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